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What is a Social Media Strategist?

Social media is no longer just a fun time for teenagers; it's a multi-billion dollar enterprise for private and public companies to attract customers! Therefore you'll need a 2020 strategist to get you on top and stay ahead of your competitors.

Jessica Green, 2018

What is a Social Media Strategist? A SM strategist identifies and targets your potential clients and the most efficient ways to reach out to them. If you're a makeup company, you should gravitate towards Instagram; if you're a finance company, you should focus more on Facebook. This way when you boost your products or deals you are reaching out to them in a way that makes the most sense.

Why do I need one? Because it isn't 1992. Social media is so influential it can decide a U.S. presidential election. The most important thing a business can do, besides have high quality products/customer service, is to showcase it on social media. If you want your business to grow, let them see what you got going on!

Can I do it myself? Possibly, but good luck! This is a full-time well paying job and companies tend to outsource it because of how tedious it can be. Marketing companies pay their top social media managers six figures just stay up to date on trends, analytics, manage deadlines for photo/video editors and content creators, and to keep their clients happy. Imagine doing all of that and still running your own business. Basically, it's extremely difficult to do this on your own!

Ok, so how much do they cost? The median salary of a full-time social media strategists is between $48,000-55,000. This sounds great! But understand this is just one aspect of social media; you'll likely need at least a small team of people to create and edit high quality content.

What if I can't afford that? If you're a small business start with a creative editor or photographer as a freelance/contract employee so you have some high quality content to publish. Content is King (!) especially for Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. If you don't have striking photos or alluring videos don't expect a lot of followers.

Maybe I can get some cool college interns! Sure you may find some teens or college students eager to help you out for a few weeks but that will put you in a constant rotation of interns and you will likely not get the results you are hoping for. It could take weeks just to put together a social media campaign only to have an intern text you that they have to study for finals for the next 2-3 weeks. It's up to you!

I want a social media team but I don't know where to start? Look within first; your very own employees typically have their own social media and wouldn't mind impressing their boss with their skills. You can maybe approach them about double duty until you find a social media manager and/or strategist to pull together campaigns and targeted outreach. You'll need your business handle on the major platforms so you don't lose it to someone else. POST ON JOB FORUMS! Social media managers and strategists are always looking for new positions and experiences. You will receive applications, just keep looking until you find someone you like.

One more thing, what's a 2020 strategist? Sounds high-tech doesn't it? Technology and trends move quickly so you want someone who thinks ahead, not just catching up. For your social media strategist look for someone who wants to create trends. That would be the difference between Netflix and Blockbuster (remember them?).

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