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Why you should learn German!

German isn't a romantic language like French and Italian; it isn't in the top 10 most spoken languages in the world (that would be: Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese, Bengali, Russian, Japanese, and Punjabi), and we're about 70 years removed since the defeat of German military during World War II so there isn't such a strong need. What's the point? Here are three reasons!

One: Germany has the highest GDP in Europe and it's getting stronger!

I'm no economist but Germany has the highest GDP in Europe (3.47T) and with the United Kingdom's economy in retreat, Deutschland will hold steady as number one for at least the next decade. With 22% of workers in manufacturing and one of the largest trade surpluses in the world the United States should take note.

Two: Want to live overseas for your bucket list, skip Buckingham Palace!

With such a thriving economy, it sounds like they have room for some American expats, *cough cough* immigrants to Germany. Of course you'll have a much more comfortable experience when you already have a grasp of the language. If you're able to secure a decent job (and not just a 30 day fiance) they'll accommodate you for language classes at night, but why not get a head start! DuoLingo is a free and fun way to learn some German words so you aren't a complete fish out of water.

Three: Usefulness over Romance

While the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish, & Portuguese) are very popular in America and the UK, German will become more and more practical. While English remains the dominant business language, please do not sleep on her complicated, first cousin. Like why choose Franklin D. Roosevelt but ignore Teddy when you need both in your life?

Are you interested in learning a new language? Contact me and let me know which one?

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